There are some great software packages out there, from Accounting to Customer Relationship Management to you name it. Software can boost your productivity immensely. Buying software that doesn’t fit your business is frustrating, wastes money, slows you down and traps you. It is, unfortunately, all too common. Our Tulsa Software Consulting team uses a well-honed methodology to define exactly what you need in a package or Software-as-a-Service solution. We make the vendors prove they fit your business and do what they say they can before you invest.

- Requirements – Software that fits your business can skyrocket your team’s productivity, but nailing the business part before going in is a must. We help you shake out the hidden requirements by asking the questions the vendors won’t.
- More Functionality – Software isn’t cheap, so why leave functionality on the table? Most companies use about 10% of what the software is capable because they didn’t explore beyond the basics. With a better understanding of your requirements, you can get more out of your investment.
- Avoid Overruns – Few things are more frustrating than shelling out alot of money only to find out what you bought doesn’t work like you expected or is missing features. Additional configuration, upgrades, and customization can double your cost.
- Integrate – All your software investments should work together, but they typically don’t. Vendors know their own tools but not the other ones you use. We look at the whole long-chain business processes and look for tools that work together.
Tulsa Software Consulting Help
Call the Software Consulting Experts at Vaillus at 918-734-7215. Let’s talk about your software project before you get too far down the road. Don’t run the risk of investing in software that doesn’t fit and turns into a black hole for your money, time, and focus. Your software is too important to take chances.