Tulsa Technology Investment at Vaillus IT
Welcome to the Software Revolution
Technology is truly revolutionizing the world. Software makes self-service possible. Applications make autonomous decisions based on data they collect, like what books might interested you. Technology can monitor production lines, facilities, equipment, even the human body and spot abnormal circumstances. Sometimes technology can even taking corrective action. Make informed, tactical technology investment instead of guessing what will move your business forward.
There are many amazing applications available to businesses, and the list grows longer by the day. Nevertheless, there are no one-size-fits-all solutions. Business often rush in and spend significant amounts of both time and money on software that looked good when the salesman demonstrated it and seems to meet a few key requirements.
Have a Partner that’s Been There
If you have been through the process, you know that buying enterprise software isn’t for the faint of heart. There are endless questions about functionality, configuration, integration, security, reporting, usability and scalability. Is it installed on-premises or does it run in the cloud? What happens to your existing data? When will the next update be released and what will change? What are the one-time and recurring costs? What add-ins are available? Technology investment isn’t for the faint of heart.
Comparing competing packages makes it all even more complex because they aren’t apples to apples. Each solves slightly different problems and solves the same problems in different ways. The one with more features or better usability is more costly, but is it worth it? You can try to navigate all this complexity yourself, or rely on what the vendors tell you, but not asking the right questions here or not thinking things through can cost you big time. You need a partner like Vaillus IT who knows the ropes and asks those important but not obvious questions.
The Constant Is Change
Software is also a moving target. Trends change in every industry and new software is introduced to solve new problems or leverage new opportunities.
For Tulsa technology investment advice, Vaillus IT is the leader. We help you evaluate the technology trends taking place in your industry and make sense of them. You shouldn’t ignore them. You shouldn’t rush in and make big investments based on what a vendor tells you either. We can help you avoid costly investment mistakes and give you the confidence to move forward.
We are committed to helping you maximize the value you get from your technology budget. Once we know where you want to take your business, we have a proven system for nailing the pain points in your core business processes, defining the solutions in detail, and making software vendors prove that they are up to the task point by point. We’re technology experts who speak the language of business. We give you the upper hand so you aren’t at the mercy of salespeople who only show you what their products do well and only tell you what you can’t do with their software after you’ve already spent the money.
Help for the Innovators Too
Sometime a packaged solution just doesn’t exist for the way you do business. Custom software development solutions can be a much better solution than trying to cram your business into some vendor’s way of doing things. Our methodology will clarify the right way to go.
If the right solution doesn’t exist, our Software Development Methodology ensures you get the custom solution you expect on-time and on-budget.
Does it feel like the world is moving faster?
Lean manufacturing, mass customization, free two-day shipping. Agility is the name of the game, the key factor that divides winners from losers. If you aren’t moving forward, you are falling behind, and no business that wants to survive, let alone scale, can afford to be falling behind to their competitors in technology.
Run with the big dogs
Larger organizations know they can’t operate the same way smaller ones do. Key team members aren’t co-located with central stores of physical records. Sharing spreadsheets among large groups is error-prone, impractical, and easily mismanaged. Decision makers need volumes of information distilled down into useful nuggets to visualize and dissected them for detail.
They invest heavily in technology teams and solutions to bring order to the daily grind so the decision makers can stay focused on strategically scaling the business without constant interruptions to put out some fire or answer the same questions repeatedly.
Market Disrupting Innovation
Just as importantly, they never stop applying technology to give themselves a competitive edge. They systematize customer relations management, automate the supply chain, track maintenance and defects, and improve their customers’ experience.
Technology is the driving force behind the most disruptive innovations in nearly every market. Screaming-fast networks, mountains of data and sophisticated software algorithms allow the behemoths of the internet space to offer to fulfill your needs before you are even sure what they are. These same technologies are employed by the thought leaders in every market space to capitalize on the trends that are conditioning people to export more faster.
As these technologies become commodities, they are available to firms of every size at a reasonable price point. Small and mid-size firms often fail to take advantage of them or understand their potential to transform how business is done. They seem daunting. It is unreasonably expense to keep the necessary variety of skills sets to leverage them.
The Internet Conditions Them to Expect More
Does the rapid pace of innovation in the consumer space affect you? Probably more than you think. Can your clients order a custom pair of designer shoes in a rainbow of colors to be delivered in two days from their couch, but can only deal with your company by phone and email and have no visibility into the status of their order? Can your employees see what distant relatives are doing practically up to the minute, but they wait hours to days to get useful information out of your accounting and work order systems?
The blistering pace of technological innovation is conditioning your stakeholders to expect instant access to the data they need wherever they are. These same people go to work and find a very different environment. The job saddles them with stacks of paper, monstrous spreadsheets, and outdated business processes. The discrepancy between what on-line vendors provide and the inefficiencies they contend with elsewhere leaves your customers, employees, and other stakeholders disillusioned.
Imagine a work environment that is buzzing with productivity: People have access to the information they need to make important decisions. Interactions with clients are nearly effortless. Employees have clean desks. Hallways are passable. Closets store offices supplies instead of disheveled boxes of critical records. How much more focused and effective could you and your team be? A lot more! Call the Tulsa technology investment consultants of choice before you spend.
Make your Technology Investments Count
Larger organizations know they can’t run their businesses the way small ones typically do. Communication lines stretch. Key team members locate in offices separate from physical records and the subject matter experts who maintain them. Decision makers face overwhelming amounts of information to make sense of and act on. Large organizations make technology investment in response to these and many other dilemmas.
None of this technology-induced market disruption comes cheap, of course. Large organizations spend significant amounts of money on technology investment. Software development and R&D dollars look for the slightest competitive advantage. Even these large companies struggle to make the right tactical technology investment. What’s a business that doesn’t have all those resources to do?
At Vaillus IT, we commit to helping you get the maximum the value from your technology investment budget. Once we know where you want to take your business, we have a proven system for nailing the pain points in your processes, identifying the solutions in explicit detail, and making software vendors prove that they are up to the task point by point. We’re technology experts who speak the language of business. We give you the upper hand so you aren’t at the mercy of salespeople who only show you what their products do well and only tell you what you can’t do with them after you’ve already spent the money. If the right solution doesn’t exist, our software development methodology ensures you get the custom solution you expect on-time and on-budget.
Tulsa Technology Investment Consulting
We’re leveling the playing field for small and medium sized businesses. We are your multi-discipline IT consultants of choice, helping you out-compete the big players in your industry. We want to guide you to the right investments that help you execute your strategy without missteps. Our passion is to make your business a force to be reckoned with in your market. It’s what fuels us. You will feel it from the moment we walk in the door. Tulsa technology investment experts are a phone call away at 918-734-7215 to set up a free consultation and get started.